Sign Up

sign up for your team

We use GoCardless to manage all our subscriptions and collect all our players monthly fees by Direct Debit.

Please find your team below and click to sign up.

Monthly subscriptions

2019s (4-a-side)

2018s (4-a-side)

2017s (4-a-side)

2016s (5-a-side)

2015s (7/9-a-side)

2014s (7/9-a-side)

2013s (7/9-a-side)

2012s (11-a-side)

2011s (11-a-side)

2010s (11-a-side)

2009s (11-a-side)

2008s (11-a-side)

2007s (11-a-side)

U19s (11-a-side)

U21s (11-a-side)

monthly 50% discounted sibling subscriptions

If you’ve already signed using one of the above subscriptions for your 1st child, use these links below to receive the 50% discounted rate for younger siblings

Younger Sibling 50% (4-a-side)

Younger Sibling 50% (5-a-side)

Younger Sibling 50% (7/9-a-side)

Younger Sibling 50% (11-a-side)